Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Powerful Salad

Salads automatically feel healthy. No matter if they are doused in a creamy ranch dressing with only lettuce leaves, croutons, and the dressing on the plate. They can have more calories than a hamburger but still have an element of "healthy" to them.

Salad dinners empower a person. They are healthy while still being rich. To enjoy them require a couple of things: a love of vegetables and a variety of vegetables and other salad items for it. Like a party, the more diversity in the salad produces the better flavor results.

This was a power salad night.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Standardization simplifies meals. Same thing for breakfast, same for lunch, and then something different for dinner. Diet and health guides often recommend it to save calories and control quantities eaten. Others fall into it for convenience sake.

Breakfast is the easiest to simplify with choosing a standard cereal. Few have the time to ponder morning meals and thus give up on options and even cooking. The meal gets modified on an upgrade basis, find a healthier cereal buy it, add blueberries, or change the milk to soy.

Lunch varies more. People often eat determined by leftovers, time, and opportunity to eat out. These variable can effect the quality of taste, pleasure, and calorie count of the meal.

Dinner is normal to vary throughout the week and the month.

Each meal can be new and exciting but the task of choosing and creating a different meal, every meal, every day can wear out the mind and detract from it. The idea of standardizing a meal can reduce stress, effort, and health concerns while allowing for a good meal to repeat itself in a simple fashion.