Friday, September 10, 2010


Fudge is made with ingredients.

Fudge is tasty.

Fudge also mean to lie a little.

People lie a little to themselves. Its a lie believed to be true, but alas is not. The lie comes and is easier to live with than whatever ugliness is the truth.

"No, I was right."
"You need these pants."
"She will understand."
"They should have know"
"I am the one who really needs it"
"It's my turn."
"This is mine."
"I'm sharing"
"We're a team."
"There is no reason for them to think that"

All of these statement can be said in truth, all could also be lies. Fudging life comes from only looking at it from one perspective. From a first person perspective, all of the statement could be true. Which recipe to follow? The one that requires more knowledge and thought or the one that is fudged.

Fudge requires ingredients, the truth requires information and thought. If the recipe calls for milk, wine will not do.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Going round and round never seems like a good idea unless egg whites are involved. The turning of clear, gluey liquid into white peaks which then get sugar and applied to lemon pies requires magic. The magic being an electric beater.

Making meringue by hand could become the new exercise fad called "Lose Weight by Cooking Great".

Oscillating on a problems lacks meringue magic. It wears down the senses and perspectives. As the beating repeats, nothing changes, no whiteness appears, bubbles fail to turn into foam, nor do any peaks become stiff. Instead, the problem grows and solutions wither with the spirit as the energy is used.

At a point, just like getting a bit of yolk in the whites, any and all solutions seem infeasible unless it's the "perfect and optimal" one. The obstacles grow and so does the negative energy.

So why beat a bowl of egg whites with a drop of yolk in it? Admit that the cracking and separating of the eggs was not perfect and redo it. See the problem as being beyond a perfect fix and work on doing what is possible.

Egg whites can become an omelet. The person who separates the egg is not always the one who beats. The oscillator does not always have the power to fix the problem but can end the waste in energy and heat up the pan.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Seven Hundred and Fifty Grams

A danger in grocery shopping as the only shopping done is the possibilities that come to mind. One example:

See a coconut
"I could crack open the coconut, dig out the meat, shred it, and toast in the oven as a snack" comes to mind.
Buy coconut
Never even crack coconut open
Coconut goes bad
Wonder why ants are in the kitchen.

Kitchens can become full of items with an intended use. Intentions that never come through. Fun intentions which occupied the mind while wandering the isles looking for cheese. Purchased intentions wasting money and space but filling up daydreams. The dream can still happen, over and over again, if the temptation to act remains repressed.

Making lemon cupcakes
Frying homemade potato chips
Icing cakes without using a can
Whip cream with a whisk
Hard-boiled eggs cut thin in the egg slicer on fresh french toast
Crepes hot of the maker
Hot chocolate without tearing a packet open
Blending homemade peanut butter

Putting aside the dreams, the reality still sit on the counter in the form of 750 grams of Godiva chocolate fresh from a friends hands.

Then the list is put aside for questions.

750 grams of chocolate - Does that equal 750 more grams to the weight scale? Does it count if eaten in grams but weighed in pounds?

It is all but a daydream unless eaten.