Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things Forgotten

Times come when writing gets forgotten in the frantic mess of life. Moments to write pass by with only notations in the brain to remember a beautiful moment. Sentences are constructed in the head and disappear as the neurons stop flashing. Without memory, the missing leaves no mark.

And in other times, their is realization of the lost. Pausing in life, a thought dawns that time has past without recording. Now lost, the exact verbs and adjectives cannot be found but the gap exists. Scampering for records, the moment becomes recreated in flashing adjusted to beauty or horror or pain by the neurons lost on their track.

Come back to the routine in consciousness. Hold the words in the head and reach for the pen in the purse to stab them down for time. Stop, and just stop, for a moment while living to make a mention of the wonder that is life. Stop and then move on to reflect on learning and living.

Take out the pen and wear out the ink. Traits of civilizations include record keeping. High levels of society must remember to not forget. Beauty makes the time last longer.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Potato Greens


A leaf fluttering on a tree
stopping, no wind can be found
searching, no shaking seen
branches still, air sullen
what makes the leaf flutter in the tree?

I wonder about the leaf in me.