Saturday, December 17, 2011

12 Things I Love about Chicago

12.  Bike lanes - Wow! Actually having a lane to ride my bike in makes the road so much less scary.  Bikers still get hurt but for the actual number of bikers in Chicago, the chances seem statistically reduced.  *I did not do the math on that last statement.

11.  Outdoors - This city has a ton of outdoor space and people actually use it.  The first time I saw a sunbather in the middle of the city, I was shocked.  Now, it has become normal.  After hearing about the winter, it became reasonable.  Get all the fun that can be gotten from the summer by going outdoors.  The traffic along the lakeshore path almost deserves a place in the news or an app for phones.

10.  Independent everything - Stores, restaurants, bars, health clubs... the list goes on and on.  Chicagoans support the local and the local pays them back in quality, service, and neighborly living.

9.  Men in Uniforms - Not to say anything bad about other cities men in uniforms, but Chicago puts the cute one in blue.  I almost look forward to needing a cop just for the chance to stare at his face and pretend helplessness.  I would let a fireman carry me out of a burning building.  Wink, wink

8.  CTA - I love not having a car.  Reliable public transportation makes life so easy and frees up time to ease drop on others or make eyes at a cute guy.  My morning commute is my brain time to read the news and plan my day.  Nothing is better than a monthly pass to zone out while commuting to work.

7.  Bars - I would like to know the ratio of bars to people in Chicago and compare it to other places.  We,  meaning you and me, like to go out to catch a drink with friends or strangers.  Chicago has bars and they fully support them and that's a good thing for all.

6.  Free Concerts - This is how the city keeps the population happy, we suffer through winter to enjoy the free outdoor pleasures of the summer.  They are outdoor, they are fun and they are free.

5.  The Lake - Some day, my former teacher self will learn the name of the lake I live next to and maybe it's history.  The lack on basic and civil knowledge does not impair my enjoyment of it.  There is a bend on lakeshore path that still takes my breath away.  At that point, the city's size projects upwards in stories of concrete and man-made features while the lake rests calmly on the other side, completely unchanged nor bothered.

4.  Events - Who keeps the social calendar for the city?  Trick question, no one can.  There are always events going on, from bowling to museum openings.  Even focusing in on the neighborhoods, who couldn't find five organized activities to participate in every night.  Who can keep up?

3.  Dogs - This city loves dogs.  Chicago has dog parks, dog beaches, at least three stores per neighborhood devoted to dogs, water and treats outside of stores, an employment of hundreds of dog walkers, and even dog therapists who charge $500 to cure two dogs of barking issues.  Better to spoil a dog than a child so I'm hoping the kids are alright because the dogs are truly spoiled.

2.  Intrigue - Politics lacks boredom in this city, so does crime and corruption.  They all meet up often at the events from point 4.  Crime - well, just the murders and shootings - even have their own newspaper.  The Chicago Tribune needs nothing more than a few murders and a shooting to fill the from page.  They use politics as a filler.  Luckily, Chicago has several newspapers that can focus on other issues.

1.  Chicagoans - These are nice, fun, sporty, and artsy people.  The city has people for everyone and nice  comes as a common character trait.  Point 1 makes all of the other points possible.

Twelve reasons I love Chicago.  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Breakfast at the Cinnamon Cafe on Lawrence

This is a place of beauty in food...oh, and it tastes great too.

It burned my heart when it close
Such a cruel thing
With no warning
the doors stopped opening
salt shakers still on the table

And was replaced with a place that doesn't believe in brunch
French restaurants
not believing in God is one thing,
not believing in brunch is another