Thursday, October 27, 2011

Riding in the Rain

Adjusting to the weather requires skills I lack.  These skills involve watching the weather forecast, reading the weather, looking at weather maps, and even standing outside to look at the sky.  I have other skills but just not these.

So today, I got caught in the rain on my bike.  It was a lovely ride in the cold downpour.  Maybe I need to take weather classes?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Random Conversations

These types of conversations make me happy.  I classify random conversations when you talk to strangers (as I was taught specifically not to do) about a situation in front of both of you.  Today, I talked with a lost businessman about the wonders of Google map and two people on the train about my bag.

There is something uplifting about knowing that we are all human and can relate of both big and small issues, or even the wonders of Google.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Panhandling on the CTA

This is a rarity for me.  A guy gets on the train and starts to plead is case for needing money.  Dad is  drunk, they got into a fight, he's been living on the Blue line and needs a ticket to Rockford.  The ticket costs $18.  Thank you.

Today was the first day I ever had this happen.  At first, I looks away and thought about putting in my ear buds, but didn't.  Then, I thought about how I was a good person and he could actually be a person in need.  Then, I thought about what organizations can help him.  Then, I thought about how I didn't really want to be a part of his life in any way.  And finally, I decided that the karma good I might get out of a $1 was worth the risk that his story was a lie and a scam.  My dollar went into his hands.

Hours later, I meet a friend at an event.  We are talking about our day and the CTA, which trains are better, frustrations over rush hour, methods of getting a good place, and then the Rockford ticket guy came up.  She met him too.  She didn't give him money.  She felt bad.  She has seen him four times.

Four times?  During the five encounters at our table, he should have had the money to get to Rockford.  We laughed and bonded a little about being part of a scam, she resisting the bait of karma and me not.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Loose Key

I have a loose brackets key. I have to think hard to remember what the name of the key is. Luckily I do not use it much. The key has been loose for over a year - thank you to the cat who loosened it for me. She thought the keyboard made a nice scratching post. Her claws were getting long. Thus, I have a loose brackets key.