Monday, July 11, 2011


Dear Luggage,

You always fail me when I need you. Why can you not be the right size? One piece is too large, and the other too small. I feel like Goldilocks.

I understand the strain. Sometimes, I act out and put you on several planes, handled by rough people who stab stickers on you. And then other times, I ignore you for months, even years. It is scary in the attic and the mice... lets not talk about what mice did nor a friend's cat. She didn't mean it and I apologized.

Please luggage, I know we can turn our relationship around. I think we can work it out. If you would just learn to pack yourself, I can try to be more consistent with my trips. We can make this work.

You already know my clothes. You understand what I pack and use. You also see what I pack and don't use. If we start communicating better, both of us will have a better time.

The next trip is coming soon and I want us to be ready, together.

Your Owner