Monday, April 9, 2012

Crazies in the Crowd

Everyone who takes public transportation in Chicago regularly deals with crazies.  Here are the categories:
Crazy Clothing
Crazy Makeup
Crazy Homeless
Crazy Drunk
Crazy Crazy
Crazy Party Girls
Crazy Party Boys
Crazy Talking on the Phone
Crazy Talking about Personal Issues with a Close Friend in an Enclosed Public Space
Crazy Belligerent

Today, I had the belligerent crazy.  The man kept loudly saying threatening, demeaning, and still a bit passive aggressive statement with surprisingly few curse words toward the first minority in his line of vision.  

 I hope he was actually suffering from a mental illness and not just obnoxious.  There are doctors, strategies, medicines, and facilities for mental illness; assholes have no hope.

And the dear, sweet CTA bus driver has to deal with all of the crazies, including him.