Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Vet

Charlie went to the vet today for the first time.  He was not impressed.

She said I needed to "train" him to eat cat food. 

Two questions:
What cat doesn't like canned food?
Who can train a cat?

Peer pressure is one thing, but the cat picked me. I did not pick him. Charlie has the job of training me to behave and accept his love and litterbox cleaning. 

Train a cat? I am smarter than to try it. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The First Day

It was good to get Charlie...


           ....... maybe I have a few more emotions that "good" about coming home with him.

But now he's home

Monday, October 1, 2012

Charlie at the Vet

Charlie went to the vet today for the first time.  He was not impressed.
She said I needed to "train" him to eat cat food. 
Two questions:
What cat doesn't like canned food?
Who can train a cat?
Peer pressure is one thing, but the cat picked me. I did not pick him. Charlie has the job of training me to behave and accept his love and litterbox cleaning. 
Train a cat? I am smarter than to try it.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Being Good

  Some times, being good requires more effort than others.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chicago Bipolar Weather Hell

Thursday is predicted to be the hottest weather in 7 year. 

It will be the hottest weather in 7 years - and I bought a jacket on Monday.  This is June, June is a summer month. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

NATO Friday

Fortunately, nothing to post about for me except the hansome Chicago cops.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Crazies in the Crowd

Everyone who takes public transportation in Chicago regularly deals with crazies.  Here are the categories:
Crazy Clothing
Crazy Makeup
Crazy Homeless
Crazy Drunk
Crazy Crazy
Crazy Party Girls
Crazy Party Boys
Crazy Talking on the Phone
Crazy Talking about Personal Issues with a Close Friend in an Enclosed Public Space
Crazy Belligerent

Today, I had the belligerent crazy.  The man kept loudly saying threatening, demeaning, and still a bit passive aggressive statement with surprisingly few curse words toward the first minority in his line of vision.  

 I hope he was actually suffering from a mental illness and not just obnoxious.  There are doctors, strategies, medicines, and facilities for mental illness; assholes have no hope.

And the dear, sweet CTA bus driver has to deal with all of the crazies, including him.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bus Time

   On the bus, I fantasize about using my time wisely.  The ride to work is about 30-40 minutes and I get nothing done during the time, no reading, no writing, no thinking, and no sleeping.  The only thing I get done is my fantasizing, and mostly it's about using my time wisely.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Green Water = Irish?

    While I found the dyeing of the fountain fun and picture worthy, I don't know how it connects to Irish heritage?  Maybe hundreds of years of history, a depth of culture that includes styles of dance and music, a dialect of English  besides a language of it's own is a bit more than green.

    For all that, a green fountain is still fun. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rock and Roll on Lincoln

    After seeing The Separation, a friend suggested several restaurants for dinner.  There were three of us, one driving, one directing, and me.  I contributed nothing but agreeability.  Coming from an odd direction and being in a car, I got lost on the streets and turned around.  I kept thinking we were heading to Lincoln Park area but the street names were not right.  The driver required the director to get there, not being familiar with the place, so I sat quietly and questioned my own direction making abilities.

   Finally, we ended up at the Rock and Roll restaurant on Lincoln.  It was small, cute, well decorated, and had bubble tea.  I've never had bubble tea but have heard about it and still didn't try it.  This is what I ordered, basically rice, salad, and a large amount of sashimi on top.  Yum!

It was worth the confusion of getting there. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Sad Thought

     I found this sign at a antique store on Lincoln.  Isn't the statement so true?  It's true at a party, true in the house and true in life.  Alcohol makes everything seem so much better, but then we all have to get back to reality.  Great nights out still end, and the next day something needs to fill the place of beer to make life fun.  And I'm not meaning wine or vodka.

    It's always sad when I meet people who can't do without it.  Meeting up, they immediately suggest hard drinking as a starter to the evening.  Really?  You can't talk or joke without it.  They start ordering and get upset if everyone doesn't follow them to beerland.

   Or there are also the one who excuse themselves with alcohol with a "Oh, sorry, I was so wasted". To that I always thing, "Oh sorry, you're an ass."

    This is not an anti-alcohol posting, it's a "get a life, we're not in college" posting.   If the fun ends when the beer does, was it really fun?