Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Sad Thought

     I found this sign at a antique store on Lincoln.  Isn't the statement so true?  It's true at a party, true in the house and true in life.  Alcohol makes everything seem so much better, but then we all have to get back to reality.  Great nights out still end, and the next day something needs to fill the place of beer to make life fun.  And I'm not meaning wine or vodka.

    It's always sad when I meet people who can't do without it.  Meeting up, they immediately suggest hard drinking as a starter to the evening.  Really?  You can't talk or joke without it.  They start ordering and get upset if everyone doesn't follow them to beerland.

   Or there are also the one who excuse themselves with alcohol with a "Oh, sorry, I was so wasted". To that I always thing, "Oh sorry, you're an ass."

    This is not an anti-alcohol posting, it's a "get a life, we're not in college" posting.   If the fun ends when the beer does, was it really fun?  

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