Showing posts with label humidity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humidity. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Some really bad poetry: Ode to the Humidity

Dear Humidity,

I left you in the South
And how my skin dried
All winter, I lamented
"The air is just too dry"

Then I bought a machine
To add moisture to the air.
All day and night it ran,
Faking Nature's flair.
But my nose and sinuses caught the deception
and said, "No! No! We want organic!"
Then caused me to panic.

And now with a hint of Spring
Happily it appears
Is it rain or steam?
Oh, humidity I feel you here.

I feel you in my hair, making all the styling obsolete.
I feel you in the elevator, making me worry about getting stuck and dying in a sauna with a stranger.
I feel you in my clothes, making all seams seem tighter and the ice cream less appealing.
I feel you on my skin, making my exercise seem more vigorous than taking three steps outside my door.

I left the South, but the humidity did not leave me.

Ode to the humidity that found my poor soul.